Monday, 16 March 2009

Training Week 19 - Missed the half, but going to have a crack this willing

Well I waited as long as I could, but Saturday night still with a sore throat and a harsh cough I made the call not to run the half-marathon. My main goal is the full marathon and it wasn't worth the risk with injury or illness. I'm sure I could have finished it, probably not with the fastest time, but as the race was so far away from home I would not have access to my normal routine of icing injuries and re-fueling nutrition so I really needed to be in grat shape which currently I'm not.

Anyway onto the training for the week. Well as I was firmly on the road to recovery I decided to celebrate on Monday with a gentle 4km run on my lunchbreak followed by a not so gentle 16km run home after work, I felt good fitness wise and thought I was pretty set up for the half marathon unfortunately I went to bed with a nagging sore throat and by Wednesday couldn't get out of bed. I took it easy until Friday when I tried for an indoor run to see how the fitness was, I managed 6.5km but felt incredibly fatigued afterwards. Saturday was another rest day with the hope I'd be alright for the big race, although I didn't manage the half I still went out mid afternnon and ran a relaxing 10 km.

Now is definately the business end of the training especially taking into account my run of injuries and illness of late, my plan from now is early nights, strictly no drinking, eating plenty of fruit and remembering to take my vitamins..In addtion I'm aiming for 4x 10km this week topping it off with a half marathon distance to run on the weekend..fingers crossed!

Week 19 Results

Distance Covered: 33.6 km's
Total running time: 3 hours 9 mins
Average speed: 10.6 km/h
Money raised: £0

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