Tuesday 20 January 2009

Training Week 11 - The big 50, now for the half marathon

50km run this week, thats right the equivalent from the centre of Stratford to the centre of New Plymouth via Bell Block..except with no hills..and for the most part bored to tears running on the spot..

Actually it wasn't too bad just the 3 treadmill sessions 2 of which were combined with some personal training to keep it interesting, I've started some weights work to give me a little more power and endurance in addition I've been looking at increasing my stride length and therefore optimising my energy to distance\speed output...which loosely translated means after each session I'm shaking like a leaf and am weak as a kitten, this has led directly to a new addiction to gummy worm lollies on the walk back from the gym..which is probably a good thing as I seem to have misplaced another couple of kg's and my belts now don't seem to have enough holes.

I finished the week with a nice but still exhausting 8km run in my local park as can be seen in this picture. Now originally I was planning to top this 50km mark and hopefully include a half marathon distance, unfortunately my body has conspired against me and I will have to wait on the outcome of a doctors appointment tomorrow to determine this weeks running chances, fingers crossed I can at least squeeze in a half marathon somewhere!

Week 11 Results:

Distance Covered: 50.1km
Total running time: 4 hours 42 minutes
Average speed: 10.7 km/h
Money raised: £100.00 (Massive thanks Dad!)

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