Wednesday 11 February 2009

Training Week 14 - London Flu...

Righto this week was all about slowly getting my body back into running, short runs, no heroics and if I was feeling pain pull out and try again the following night...well at least that was the plan..but then Sunday night this happened:

And no one was prepared.

...ok..except maybe her:

Anyway although the snow was a right pain for most of England with the complete cessation of public transport, for a broken down first time marathon runner it provided a perfect opportunity to get some different sort of training in, without aggravating my current injuries too much..that being a gentle 6km walk/climb/jog/trudge/slide from my home in Beckenham to my work in Croydon, and back again at the end of the day.

I then followed this up with (and a big thanks to flatmate Gareth digging his car out of the snow and driving me) Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday night on the treadmill at the gym. 8km on the Tuesday, 9km on the Wednesday and 10km on the Thursday, the legs we still sore but no where near the levels from the previous weeks training.

Unfortunately Friday night had me feeling the beginnings of a nasty flu..its Wednesday now and its the first day that I've been able to stay out of bed for any significant amount of time, still the worst of it is over so fingers crossed I might get a couple of small runs in on the weekend.

One more thing before I go, a big thanks to all of you who've sent me in some sponsorship ideas and those family and friends who are actively putting ideas into action and raising money on my behalf, its been a tough and incredibly frustrating couple of weeks with injuries and illness but hopefully I'll be back fighting fit by the weekend and I can put through a few ideas then.



Week 14 Results

Distance Covered: 39 km's
Total running time: 5 hours (approx)
Average speed: 7.8 km/h
Money raised: possibly £60.00..(I have a letter stating that the gang of thugs who attacked me on a train home from work back in September have kindly offered a donation of £60.00 to my cause..and by kindly offered I mean they've been arrested and have been ordered to pay compensation..still it all counts!!!)

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