Monday 8 December 2008

Training Week 5 - Almost flying!

First things first,

The new trainers kick a$$!

Leg pain going, which is almost a shame as I was beginning to enjoy the ritual icing of the legs while watching the telly.

3 runs again this week, a gentle 7.5k run on Monday to break in the new trainers and then due to some rugby, Christmas and work commitments my next run wasn't until the Friday when I did an easy 5.5km run home from work. I woke up Saturday morning with almost no pain in my legs and managed a big 11km run, the first over 10km since mid-november so super happy about that!

Heading into week 6 I find myself injury free again and heading back into the realm of 30km's a week. Unfortunately however the weather has really cooled down and there is an increasing ice-on-pavement presence which is less than ideal for jogging injury free, guess its time now to get that gym membership and take the training indoors for a bit.

Week 5 results:

Distance Covered: 24.1 km's
Total running time: 2 hour 2 minutes
Average speed: 10.4 km/h
Money raised: £45.00 (Big thanks to Michelle, little sister Kate and bro in law Richie) ..and Michelle I will hold you to your after christmas training offer!


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