Monday 15 December 2008

Training Week 6 - Running is kinda boring after a bit...

It's cold, its smelly, its painful but worst of all it's bloody mind numbing...I'm guessing now that the injuries are under control I've got to moan about something mainly to get that sympathy sponsorship money...
Again planned for 4 runs..again only managed the 3... on the plus side another significant increase in distance run for the week.

8km's run on the Tuesday..just under 14km on the Wednesday and then a solid 5.5km on the Friday. Not much to report on the runs..cold very cold in fact that koro no longer seems so laughable

Anyway plans for next week is again to up the distance, I have a bit of a goal in the back of my mind on Christmas Eve to run from my house (technically in Kent) to my cousins (Bayswater central London) so will be aiming at preparing myself for that hearty endeavour, about 18km's or so..

Week 6 Results

Distance Covered: 27.3 km's
Total running time: 2 hour 43 minutes
Average speed: 10.1 km/h
Money raised: £10.00 (Cheers to the other member of the Southern Railway Kiwi contingent Rae!)



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